What a beautiful week we have had.The sun finally started to shine around here and it was gorgeous out. We have been picnicing outside under the shade tree for lunch everyday. Its funny how such a simple thing can bring such joy to my little girls. And the best part for me is afterwards I get to sit in the sun and read a book while they play in the sandbox and on the swingset. Such a simple thing, but it has been the best time. I started reading a new book, which has been really good for me. I used to read a book a day in my younger years, but it has been hard to find time lately. But I decided to make time. And I tell you it is the best thing I could have done for myself. Im enjoying my book and I have been so much more relaxed.
I am really enjoying my blog and all of my blog follwers. Im definetly still learning about it all. Like one question I have is how do I get my own blog button. Sounds pretty stupid, but I havent been able to figure it out. Plus any tips on how to improve my blog and my following would be greatly appreciated. I hope to hear from you all soon!!
Oh yeah, Im gonna post some pics that I forgot to post last week of Emma at her final assembly. Hope you all enjoy!!
I saw so many good reviews about this
6 years ago
Hi a new follower here. Looking forward to sharing mommy stories.
Well, I'm even a step behind you. I don't even know what a button IS!? Anyway, I'm following your blog. Hope you'll follow mine too! www.highparkhomedaycare.com
Hey there,
Stopping by from MBC and now following you. Would love if you took a swing by my blog.
I've been blogging a bit over a month now and managed to figure out how to do a button a few weeks ago (it's not fabulous, but it's a button!) - happy to chat about it if you want some help. You can actually just google "Making your own blog button" and find a number of tutorials on other mom blogs - as many bloggers have asked the same question.
I had to use a few different tutorials before it clicked for me - but I figured it out!
All the best,
Louise @ http://mommycrat.blogspot.com
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